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agricultur金属e and space

发布日期:2024-04-17 18:54    点击次数:90


agricultur金属e and space


BEIJING, April 4 (Xinhua) -- The 14th Beijing International Film Festival (BJIFF) will screen 47 sci-tech films in its Science and Technology Section, according to China Science and Technology Museum (CSTM).

The films cover themes including nature, agriculture and space, and include 33 special-effect movies from China, 首页-诚泰州门窗有限公司 Russia, 首页-微平州干果有限公司 the United States, 威海华彩纺织品有限公司 Britain, 灵武市恩奥壁纸有限公司金属 Canada,固原市洁奥锁具有限公司 Sweden and eight other countries.

The Science and Technology Section, co-hosted by the CSTM and the Chinese Association of Natural Science Museums, is scheduled to be held from April 9 to May 5.


The films will be presented on dome or giant screens金属, or in 4D. Eight films will have their Asian premieres, and 18 will be shown for the first time in China.  ■

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